With many people still working from home and business meetings taking place via video call platforms instead of at your own carefully branded offices, it can be difficult to give potential clients the professional experience you hoped to.
In response to the needs of one of our most pioneering clients, we have developed a great solution to many video calling problems. The Video Call Screen is a professional background for your work area and we are now able to offer it to you.

Branded with your corporate logo, colours and any images you want, the video call professional background offers the following benefits;
Prevent bright light from background windows which often makes you disappear on your video call
Screen background noise and clutter
Present a focused and professional environment
Keep attention focused on your call, rather than your home contents
Prevent the disappearing/reappearing floating head look produced by digital backgrounds
Of course if a digital background works better for you, we can create a professionally branded digital background for use on all your video calls. But we believe that a professional screen (much like those used as backgrounds for sports interviews) is the best way for you to present your company on video calls.
Please call or email us to enquire about creating your professional background.
